Monday, December 17, 2007

Medical tourism

Every year more and more people travel to South East Asia i.e. Thailand, Malaysia and India where they save more than 60% off some of the surgical procedures. Not only the costs but also they get high quality treatments and no waiting time. Travelling costs to these countries is cheap and accommodation too.

I lived in Thailand again between 2003-2005 and I had the opportunities to see for myself this growing phenomena. Pediatrics department which I have used many times not only for me but also for some visiting families can never be found anywhere else. So when I went away from Thailand sometime even when my son had a cold I would dream Bangkok. But, now I'm back.
One of the biggest hospitals receiving this mass medical tourism is Bumrungrad hospital which serves over a million patients annually and among these over 400,000 are internationals (expatriates and visitors from 190 countries)

If you are travelling to Thailand even for a holiday and need to see a doctor you know where to go.

Visit their website and learn more.


Anonymous said...

This is such a cool idea I had never thought of it. Could probably introduce it in Kenya or does already exist their

Mary said...

Hi James,
Great idea. Let me hear from you about this.
